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IDIS Critical Failover

IDIS Critical Failover Strengthen fault tolerance with multi-layered protection If any part of the CCTV infrastructure fails, the system must first recognize the failure and then switch to a redundant system. This process can take precious time if done manually, and redundant equipment can be expensive. [...]

IDIS Critical Failover2024-10-24T11:12:24+00:00

Smart UX

Smart UX Controls IDIS Smart UX Controls present operators with an advanced and simple to use user interface compared with conventional PTZ controls. Sling shot / rubber band controls Deliver super smooth PTZ operation, enabling viewers to easily monitor images by panning images at different [...]

Smart UX2019-08-12T15:31:53+00:00

Smart Failover

IDIS Smart Failover: seamless recording! When the NVR and IP camera are disconnected, the camera’s SD card instantly begins recording and automatically transfers the data to the NVR after recovery, leaving no incident unrecorded. Seamless Recording When the NVR and IP cameras are disconnected, the [...]

Smart Failover2018-11-12T11:19:05+00:00